
Monday, July 30, 2018

CRYPTOS: Vendors


Friday, July 27, 2018

Talking to a Cyberstalker

It is NOT cool at all when you wake up, pick up your phone and it is completely empty. No data no pictures no wallpaper, and no email, It's a nightmare, thats what it is. One morning I had gotten up to find the permissions. He had them all set to himself. I am now officially scared of my computer!

He keeps trying to stop me, right now from writing this. He seems actually to be a nice man. The night I spoke to him on the phone he seemed to be honest and trustworthy. We listened to music one day and it was very enjoyable. But then he does something stupid like erase my entire phone. I don't know him or what he wants. I'm 62 years old, still young at heart but still...I also have PPMS Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis. It is the worst form of this disease.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

CyberStalker's are the WORST!

I know my cyberstalker. Does that surprise you? It surprised me. Get ready because my side of the story is ready to come out. Cyberstalkers are the slugs on this planet. They hide away in little rented apartments, sitting at a bank of lit computer monitors. They are pale and sometimes even sick looking. And don't forget the ever-present classic hoodie. Even it's 95 degrees outside. It's my opinion that they look very much like heroin addicts, same hoodie thing goin on. So on a day way back in January, I go to eBay looking for hosting for a couple of websites. I email one called Simple Solutions. The owner is Jason Weinrich, so we start doing the hosting deal, but he doesn't understand something and asks me to call him, which is a huge NO-NO at eBay. But like the biggest idiot on this planet, I call him. We discuss the hosting, but very soon the conversation disolves into jibberish, and I look at my computer monitor and it looks like he sounds jibberish flowing down my screen. I hang up the phone, and try to turn off the monitor and I can't. I had been talking to a sick-o. I called eBay right away, but got a man who couldn't have cared less. Appatheic! He says he will look into it. I tell him that this man scared me and I tell him that I'm surprised eBay would have a person like him on their staff, and hung up the phone. No help there, for sure. So this whole thing drops from my routine for a few weeks. Little did I know then, but he was already stalking me.

Awesome Things (according to me)

Awesome Things (according to me)